Apr 11, 2011

Going Hunting

I about two years, I'll be going into the wilderness (ha, I love how that sounds) to hunt and shoot a few deer. Now, I meet a lot of people who really have a problem with this, and I just don't get it. Where I come from, there are literally no wolves left, so the deer don't have any natural enemies left, despite us. So it's actually good for the forest if people went out and shot those animals.
And it's not even like I wouldn't respect the Animals I will shoot.
So what exactly is the problem people have with this?

Also, does anyone know if it's legally possible to go hunting with Bow & Arrow?


  1. Hunting with bow and arrow would be so damn awesome. Make sure to get a nice, clean and quick shot, though, so it doesn't have to suffer for too long.

  2. Make sure its a semi-automatic dual action Bow with impact explosions attached to the head of the Arrow to blow that bastard apart and put it out of its misery instantly. Anything else is just inhumane.

  3. it depends on where you are probably, but i think it is

  4. bow and arrow is a little bit too 'wrong turn' for me haha have fun though

  5. I don't have a problem with it, I just choose not to do it. Can't even kill a fly, but you're free to do whatever...

  6. I think it depends on where your hunting. a3

  7. I dont get why people think hunting is wrong

  8. It's just a morals issue about killing an innocent animal for fun.

  9. nothing wrong with hunting. dont listen to the hippies

  10. In Idaho you can hunt with a bow and arrow, I have some friends that do, but why in two years may I ask?

  11. When I was in the US last year I went hunting, but I just couldn't pull the trigger when I had a deer in my ling of sight.

  12. Great work! I love the blog style!

  13. bring us back some venison. :)

  14. I see no problem with hunting...

  15. Never been hunting, always kinda wanted to try.

  16. I think it doesnt matter what you use as a weapon, just if you are allowed to hunt wherever you plan to.

  17. Don't see a problem with the bow and arrow, you may need a permit though? Looking forward to the hunting stories though, followed!

  18. Dude... I'm a vegan zoo..... And I think that hunting is FAR more human than factory farming if you do it right. Just make sure you KNOW you have the shot and KNOW it is a killshot.

    Most of those deer have had a much better life than a factory farmed animal...

  19. You just have to use a professional bow, so you can really achieve killshots

  20. bow and arrow would be badass

  21. Hunting is a great way to know where you are getting your food from.

  22. it should be ok imo. nice blog, btw

  23. Not illegal in south america!

  24. I just dont like killing things really and find it disturbing that people do actually enjoy it.

    different strokes for different folks I guess.
