Apr 9, 2011

Cubase LE 4 drives me crazy

Lately, I wanted to record some music with my computer. About a year ago, I bought the Digitech RP350 Modeling Guitar Processor, which had a free copy of Cubase LE 4 in it. I installed the program, registered it and everything worked fine, it even said my copy was "permanently activated". But, I wasn't able to record any music with it, so I just forgot about the whole thing.
Then, yesterday, I finally wanted to figure out what the heck was wrong with it. And now there's a new Problem with it: as soon as I want to start it, a pop-up says "Syncrosoft Protected Object Server stopped working", and then it says "Cubase LE 4 stopped working", and then it just closes itself. This happens out of nowhere, I haven't even opened the program in about half a year.
I googled the sh*t out of this, did everything anyone said, the official Steinberg response hasn't done anything at all, I reinstalled, cleaned registry, whatever the f*ck i could make up.
And it still doesn't work.

The ironic thing about this is that all the pirate copys I have work perfectly fine, and the ONE program I actually bought breaks down first.
And the only thought I have left now is for god's sake f*ck this shit


  1. that sucks man :X
    keep it save - keep downloading

  2. Thats so typical, same happened to me more than once.

  3. That blows, I don't really know anything about that software so I can't help you sorry

  4. crazy, could just be a poorly made program.

  5. Wow, that would happen right?

  6. That's weird. See if there's any files asociated with it that don't delete on re-instal. They may be corrupted or something.

  7. I remember having a similar problem getting a program to work on this laptop...nothing could fix the problem, but the program installed fine on other computers...I just can't explain it.

  8. i have had the same experience. going legit with software sometimes leaves a bad taste

  9. Just pirate the software, it'll probably work. It's not even morally wrong if you actually own it.

  10. Ive had the same problems with it, decided to switch to ableton and it works like a pro.

  11. Try Reaper man ;)

  12. Cubase can be a bitch sometimes.
