Apr 5, 2011

Ai Weiwei - another victim of China's crimes against humanity

In western states, we enjoy something that seems almost banal to us - and thats Human rights. We can demonstrate against our own government without having to fear reprisals, we have the right to go to school, we have the right to go vote, we have the right to be judged fairly and without prejudice - or, in short, we have the right to live. Of course, not every state has the luxury to supply all its inhabitants with equal rights, but I want to talk about one state in special: China. With its 1,336,718,015 residents, it has more residents than any other state of the world. The allegedly communist state has long since been turning into a more and more capitalist system, explaing its massive economic Achievements in its last few Years. But, the chinese government is known for its totalist regime, suppressing their own People for almost a century. There have been many debates about human rights, but China doesn't allow anyone to talk about this topic. Censorship seems to be the biggest Weapon of the chinese Government. And anyone who doesn't obey, is put into prison.
Just like this man:

Ai Weiwei, a chinese Artist who is internationally known for his dissident artwork, has been arressted on Sunday in Peking, because he made artworks about the violation of human rights in his home, inhumane working conditions and the ecologic ignorance from the government.
For the denounciation of his Government he now has to serve his time in Prison, getting beat up by the Police and suffering horrible living conditions.

China has to change.


  1. wow... speak of irony....

    China is a sad continent...

  2. this will probably make me sound dumb but i always thought China is a country, not a state.

  3. @ team panda:
    i was referring to the peoples republic of china, which is a state

  4. Wow...good thing i wasnt born on that country.

  5. Never liked China much. Too cramped (ohoho)

  6. Ehh, poor China (Pun not intended)

    I hope in future their situation will change, followed interesting stuff.

  7. The way I see it, rights do not exist naturally. They are a human construct. While this does not mean that they are not useful, it is easy to understand how something that does not exist naturally can be so malleable.

  8. China is thriving and we are basically their bitch, so everyone stop saying poor china haha

  9. china do some stupid shit sometimes, hey?

  10. Sad to see how China has become...if only Lu Bu was still alive :(

  11. seems we are to busy to liberate lybia to help such guys ;_;

  12. Very little you can do when a country like China pulls stuff like this.

  13. This is horrible, I wish something could be done

  14. The world needs to change.

  15. fucking communist!!! free artists everywhere

  16. china. what a terrible country to live in.

  17. thats sad. He was once in my Hometown, it was very impressive

  18. It's crazy we're supposed to be free and instead everytime you hear about freedom it's to defend right to propriety. Watch out !

  19. i agree. poor china, indeed.

  20. I don't like chinese people.. :(

  21. I do not like China, where there is all this freedom? sick it all

  22. Huh, I never thought about it like this

  23. Couldn't agree more. Letting them host the Olympics was outrageous!

  24. Man I feel terrible about that :( But what can we do?

  25. Their goverment needs a huge change

  26. thanks alot for sharing

  27. I lold at his name, I weewee.
