Apr 23, 2011

Any good Tactic Shooters around nowadays? Any?

Back in the days, I was a vivid player of Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis, and always loved the realistic approach towards ego-shooter gaming. Anyways, time has passed, and some time ago I found out about a sequel to the original OFP, which is called 'Dragon Rising'. Being the fool I am, I got lured into the marketing trap and bought it. Convinced of buying a 'realistic' Ego-Shooter worthy of its predecessor, these were the most needlessly spent 60€ I ever wasted.
The game sucks. Hard.
Apart from being able to shoot one of your Squaddies in the face just to make him say: "Stop! Friendly Fire!", the entire f*cking concept just f*cking blows! The mission objectives are callow (instead of friendly tanks waiting for you to eliminate the tank-destroyer threat, they mindlessly drive in and get killed -> mission failed -.-''), and the concept of the US Marine Corps taking on the entire f*cking chinese Army and come out victorious is ridiculous.
You are practically invincible while you run through enemy fire mowing down chinese cannonfodder, in the entire campaign of about 10 glorious missions you don't get to drive a single vehicle, apart from 5 minutes in a Helicopter and some Jeeps.
Multiplayer is horrendous, lags are killing off every single feeling of joy, dedicated servers are non-existant.
Some of you may now think 'Well, maybe some dedicated modder with a lot of free time can solve some of those Problems?'
Well, no. Modding does not exist. Codemasters denied the release of any modding tools.
And I sit here and ask myself: How can something like this happen?
Apart from ruining the awesome reputation that the Operation Flashpoint franchise had before, the developers sat infront of a practically under-nourished tactic-fps market and decided to make yet another CoD-clone with integrated tactical-bullsh*t-feature?
CM screwed up big time... actually I'm still pissed off at myself for being stupid enough to buy this 'game'...

Also, the graphics suck.

So, are there any tactic-fps around that are worth their money?


  1. I hear Red Orchestra is pretty hardcore. Try that out...it's essentially one shot one kill. Tactics are important!

  2. I agree with you..cool site,following

  3. Not into the shooter games, so can't help you out here, sorry.

  4. battlefield? haha not any good ones came out recently

  5. Check out sites like gamespot to look for new and old games that might catch your interest.

  6. I personally love battlefield :P!

  7. I saw a preview of the next battlefield, looks like they're making an effort, but I won't know for sure until I hand's on it.

  8. CoD, MoH, Crysis... I don't know man, everything depends on your taste of games.

  9. Wanna play some of those games, but my pc can't handle it =.=

  10. loves me some fallout tactics...
    Also counter strike

  11. Battlefield is pretty good, to be fair

  12. not really into shooter games. ..

  13. Yeah, the focus has been more on "explosions" than realism lately.
